Category Archives: Halloween


Paleo Candy For Halloween

Naturally, a struggle with being on any type of diet during Halloween is that you can’t have the candy, and paleo is no exception. On the paleo diet, you are very careful about the type of sugar you eat, and even things like regular peanuts are...

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How to Make Healthy Candy Apple Treats

Candy apples are a fun treat for Halloween, but they are not the healthiest option. While it does let you and your kids have a juicy apple, it is covered in sugary candy, which brings a 95-calorie green apple to one that is close to 300 calories....

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Healthy Halloween

Halloween is the first major holiday after fall begins, so it is often a good way to kick off harvest, butternut squash soup, and chili, putting on sweaters and boots, and enjoying more family time indoors. However, Halloween isn’t the healthiest...

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Tips For Getting Through Halloween on the Paleo Diet

The paleo lifestyle gets easier when you start cooking from home and become adjusted to the foods you can eat and those that you should no longer have. The pounds melt away and you just feel better overall. While it does get easier, there are times...

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