While you may have been born with your anxiety disorder, that doesn’t mean certain choices and lifestyle habits aren’t making it worse. The following list includes some things that can trigger your panic attacks or worsen your anxiety. Managing anxiety disorders is much easier when you can avoid these things.
Being Around Negative People
The people you choose to spend time with can make a bigger impact than you might imagine. If you already struggle with anxiety, such as with generalized anxiety disorder, you are prone to panic and worry on a daily basis. If you are spending a lot of time with pessimistic and negative people, their negativity can trigger your anxiety. It makes it harder to be around them and every time they are upset or venting about something, it causes all of those panic symptoms. Try to surround yourself with positive people that uplift you.
Consuming Stimulants
Stimulants can also be bad for you if you are prone to anxiety and panic attacks. Try to cut back on stimulants like caffeine, sugar, and alcohol. These all will add to the number of anxious feelings you have and can even lead to more frequent panic attacks. Start slowly by gradually decreasing the amount of coffee you drink each day and trying to cut back on sugar. With alcohol, the sooner you can quit or cut back, the better off you will be. Talk to a doctor if you are struggling with quitting stimulants.
Not Paying Attention to Nutrition
Vitamins and minerals can also make anxiety better or worse. When choosing what you will eat on a daily basis, don’t forget about proper nutrition. Focus on foods that allow you to have plenty of vitamins and minerals through natural food sources. Some of the nutrients that are good for natural anxiety are B vitamins, vitamin D, and vitamin C. You also want your share of omega-3 fatty acids, such as from whole grains and fish.
Living a Sedentary Lifestyle
It is also very helpful to get up and start moving around more often. With regular exercises, you boost the serotonin levels in your brain and help to release your endorphins. These happy chemicals increase your energy and happiness, and can also have a very positive impact on stress and anxiety. With less stress, your anxiety tends to be less severe as well. You will be more energetic during the day but also sleep better at night.