If you are having issues with dry skin, flaking, painful skin from dryness, or rough areas then dry skin brushing may actually be for you. You may have heard of this technique, or seen the brushes for sale in health food stores, but not have realized that it was something you could benefit from. If you are new to this technique and want to know more about it, here are some quick facts to get you started and open your mind to the idea of what dry skin brushing can do for you.
The Method of Dry Skin Brushing
Dry skin brushing is a simple enough method. You use a non-synthetic or natural bristle brush on your body to remove dry skin. This brushing technique is done all over your body and with no lotion, soaps, or water. You simply brush the body gently making sure to get every part of your body and then take a shower afterward. It is considered a more natural and milder form of exfoliation than using over-the-counter and chemical exfoliating methods that can actually cut or damage the skin.
The Tools of Dry Skin Brushing
The main tool for dry skin brushing is the brush itself. That’s it. You can use a soft towel that is specifically for the days that you do dry skin brushing as well. This does help at the beginning when your skin is still very sensitive to the entire dry skin brushing process. The most important thing to keep in mind with dry skin brushing is the brush itself. You need to use something with natural bristles. Synthetic bristles can cause damage to your skin and maybe too harsh. Also finding a soft bristle brush is optimal. Natural health stores and spa supply shops will have the types of brushes you need for dry skin brushing.
The Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing
There are several benefits to dry skin brushing. One of the main benefits is, of course, the removal of dry skin from the body. Some other benefits include the reduction of cellulite and the ability to get circulation in your body moving at a pace that helps you produce new skin cells and keeps your blood circulating properly. It can also be relaxing and help if you are having a sensory overload or if you need a calming feeling to help you reduce the stress from your day.
You may be thinking that dry skin brushing will cost a lot of money for the right tools. The truth is, you can start with a simple soft bristle brush for less than $20 at most stores. Once you get used to the technique, you can step up your tools and purchase a nicer brush or a brush with higher quality bristles.
These are just a few tips. The key point to keep in mind with dry skin brushing is to be gentle and work with what your body needs. Start slow and it is okay to decrease or increase your needs depending on your skin and reaction to dry skin brushing.
How to do Dry Skin Brushing
So, you bought your dry skin brush and you have read all the tips and tricks about the technique. You know the benefits and how to make them work for you. The trick now is that you need to get started and you have no idea how to do the technique. Everything you have read has probably told you what the techniques are but failed to give you the steps you need. Here are the basic steps for how to dry skin brush and get the most from your brushing routine.
Get in the Shower
One of the first steps you need to take to dry skin brushing is to get in the shower. You want to be in a place where the dry skin is contained and can be removed from the area easily. You will also be showering right after the dry skin brushing in order to remove the extra skin that the brush may not have removed. It will also serve as a method to clean the pores and rejuvenate the cells. If you do not want to shower, you can choose to take a bath instead. As long as one or the other follows the dry skin brushing.
Brush Your Entire Body
One thing that you may be questioning is what part of your body you should dry brush. The truth is you should be brushing your entire body. You may be wondering how to handle areas like breasts and other sensitive areas of the body. All you need to do is brush lighter in these areas, but do not avoid them. You need to remove the dry skin from every area of your body to keep your skin cells moving and to keep the skin health in good standing. So, the answer is to brush your entire body avoiding anything.
Alternate Your Water Temperature
One aspect of the dry brushing method that you may not consider is the water temperature you use after the procedure. A lot of people suggest going from having the water as hot as you can stand it to as cool as you can stand it. You do not want to do this immediately. Make it a gradual decrease in temperature from hot to cold. This is done to open your pores and then close them getting them cleaned and then tightened to help with cellulite.
Though you can add several steps to your dry skin brushing, these are the basic steps you get you started. You may find that you want to make this time more of a spa and relaxation time for you by adding essential oils or other techniques. Though those are found to add later, the basics are where you should start.
When You Should Do Skin Brushing
Dry skin brushing may seem like something that would work for you in your daily skincare routine. The problem is you may not know when you should do skin brushing or when you should increase your skin brushing routine. You may know how to do skin brushing and what you need, but the rest can be confusing. Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind when you are considering adding dry skin brushing to your routine and how you need to bring it in and increase or decrease it as needed.
Extreme Dry and Flaking Skin
One of the leading reasons that people use dry skin brushing in their health routine is for extremely dry or flaking skin. The brushing helps to remove that skin and helps to form new healthy skin in its place. Though you can use ointments and lotions, these methods can actually cause the dry skin to remain and clog the pores which will decrease the amount of healthy skin that is formed and prolong the dry and flaking symptoms you are having. Dry brushing removes the dry skin, opens the pores, and helps circulation so that your body works with you and not against you.
Seasonal Changes
Changing the seasons, especially in areas where there is a severe cold spell or heat spell, can cause havoc with your skin. In these situations, you should consider using dry skin brushing to help with the symptoms and stimulate your body to create the natural oils that will help your skin develop and be removed easily. In most cases, you will likely increase the dry skin brushing during colder months and decrease it during hotter months to help with the seasonal changes and in keeping with your body’s natural circulation.
Change in Exercise Routine
If you are changing your exercise routine, you may find that your skin reacts oddly to this change. It could become very dry or it could become very oily. Each of these is a sign to you of what you need to do with your dry skin brushing routine. For example, if your skin is too dry you should increase the brushing whereas if it is too oily you should decrease it.
Services Areas Covered
Studio City, CA, Beverly Hills, CA, Burbank, CA, Encino, CA, Glendale, CA, Los Angeles, CA, North Hollywood, CA, San Fernando, CA, Santa Monica, CA, Tarzana, CA, Toluca Lake, CA, Valley Village, CA, Van Nuys, CA, West Hollywood, CA