While it is true that detoxification of the body is handled by the liver, it is somewhat misleading to say that nothing can help you detox your body. There are a wide array of fruits and vegetables that facilitate cleansing action and secretions in the liver and pancreas, and consuming these vegetables can help stimulate this action when it’s needed. The important thing is knowing what things you can eat to accomplish this, and how you can turn these vegetables into a drink that you can have on the go. Keep reading if you want to know how to make detoxing green juice.
Fresh Juice
One thing that is very important to consider, is that you will want to make these drinks fresh each time you want to drink them. The reason for this is that any exposure to the air will destroy a large portion of the vital nutrients that you are trying to get from the juice, so it would be a good idea to only make what you are planning to use very soon during that day. That will keep you from wasting ingredients that you can use later in the week. The only way you can save some of the nutrients would be to keep it in a very dark glass container in the refrigerator, but there will still be some loss, so it might not be worth it.
Important Functions
Sometimes the body needs an extra jolt to get things going. This can be especially true of parts of the body like the liver. The best way to do this is to eat foods that get your liver producing the fluids that flush the toxins out of the liver from the blood and foods you have ingested and deposit them into the intestines to be removed from the body. One vegetable that is great for this kind of action is celery, so this article will be discussing a simple recipe using celery.
Making the Juice
To make this kind of juice, it will be important for you to already own some kind of juicer. There are a lot of different options available today that can be found online. In your local area, you can try looking at street fairs that resell those kinds of appliances.
Once you have your juicer ready, you can simply add a cup of pineapple, half a lemon, a carrot, 2 celery stalks, and a small thumbnail-sized piece of ginger.