When it comes to natural skincare, the Functional Medicine Los Angeles team recommends these 5 DIY beauty masks using common food items.
Functional medicine Studio City experts also recognize the importance of natural ingredients in skincare and encourage incorporating these masks into your beauty routine.
Egg Whites, Honey, and Cinnamon (For: Acne)
- Nobody wants to walk around with a giant zit on their face, much less a field of pimples. Acne is often considered a natural side-effect of puberty and hormones, and some level of acne is normal, but it can be prevented. This face mask was specifically designed to cleanse the skin and close the pores, making it more difficult for acne to form.
- Honey is a natural antiseptic. It digs into clogged pores, cutting through oil and dirt, and it also reduces inflammation, causing the pores to close.
- The protein in egg whites cleanse the skin, reducing acne causing bacteria and act as a natural astringent, balancing the skin’s PH. When egg whites dry, they close the pores, making it more difficult for dirt and bacteria to get inside.
- Cinnamon contains the same antimicrobial properties as egg whites and honey. It boosts their ability to clean the skin and close pores, leaving behind a clean, acne free surface that doesn’t dry out the skin like more acidic ingredients.
Whip the whites of one egg until frothy. Add one tablespoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon. Mix until a paste is formed. Apply to clean, dry skin and let rest for fifteen minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water, pat dry and apply moisturizer if needed.
Coconut Oil, Bananas, and Lemon Juice (For: Dry Skin, Anti-aging)
- Hot, dry heat will destroy the skin, robbing our faces of their natural oils, and piling up dry cells. Sometimes we have no other choice but to pull out the big guns and try something drastic to give our skin the cleansing moisture it needs.
- Coconut oil is a rich, powerful moisturizer, packed with vitamin E. So, it’ll trap all of the hydration we need to revitalize our skin cells, encourage new cell growth and prevent damage from aging.
- Don’t overlook bananas. They’re amazingly rich in nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, biotin, and manganese. These vitamins help protect the skin’s natural elasticity and leave behind a softer, more natural glow.
- Lemon juice balances the PH in this beauty mask, counteracting the potent moisturizing effects of coconut oil, which can sometimes be too rich for different skin types. It also has antimicrobial properties, which aren’t found in bananas or coconut oil. It will cleanse the pores, ensuring that this mask won’t trap dirt and bacteria inside them.
Use an exfoliating scrub to wash away any dead skin cells and ensure that the skin is clean enough to absorb the nutrients. Mash ingredients in a bowl to form a paste. Add a few drops of warm water. Apply to dry skin and let sit for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Pat dry with towel.
Lemon, Tomato and Honey (For: Discoloration and Blemishes)
- Dead skin cells, oil and debris fill the pores in our T-zone—across our foreheads and down our noses—creating spotting, blemishes, and sometimes black heads and white heads. This mask helps to cut through the oil, prevent pimples, and lighten discolorations.
- Lemon is used sparingly due to its acidity, but it is an effective bleaching agent. In small amounts it can lighten the skin, cut down on inflammation and remove oil.
- Honey’s antimicrobial properties clean the pores and remove inflammation, while also providing nutrients that heal the skin, creating a smooth, glowing effect.
- Tomatoes contain nutrients that the skin needs to heal itself, as well as lightening agents that, when combined with lemon, can provide the necessary boost to remove spots and discoloration.
Combine one tablespoon of honey and the juice from half a lemon with one teaspoon of tomato pulp. Apply to the face and leave on for ten minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water and apply a vitamin E moisturizer to counteract the acidic effects of the lemon. Repeat twice weekly or until the blemishes and discoloration fade.
Banana, Turmeric and Baking Soda (For: Acne)
- For acne that just won’t go away, try banana, turmeric, and baking soda. This mask is a potent mixture designed to address the root cause of acne without damaging the skin
- Turmeric cleans the skin, providing it with natural antioxidants that promote healing, while killing off bacteria and removing the grime that clogs our pores.
- Baking soda absorbs the excess oil that can cause acne, without being too harsh and forcing the skin to overcompensate by producing more oil.
- Bananas are the perfect addition to an acne mask, recommended by our functional medicine Los Angeles experts. Most acne products focus on reducing oil and cleaning the skin, sacrificing the necessary hydration the body needs to prevent more acne from forming. Banana’s hydrate and promote healing, allowing acne scars to heal more quickly.
Combine half a teaspoon of baking soda and half a teaspoon of turmeric with one mashed banana. Apply to clean skin and let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water and apply and thin moisturizer if necessary.
Honey and Pumpkin (For: Collagen Production, Wrinkles)
- When it comes to reversing the effects of gravity, there’s nothing better than collagen. It makes our skin firmer, tighter, and provides a youthful glow that can only be obtained from this essential nutrient.
- Pumpkins contain high amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A, both of which are known to stimulate collagen production. They also contain those all-necessary antioxidants we need to reverse signs of aging, as well as the nutrients we need to ensure proper hydration.
- Honey cleans the pores and helps smooth wrinkles, ensuring that the hydrating effects of the pumpkin won’t clog us up with bacteria and grime.
Combine half a cup of additive-free pumpkin puree with two tablespoons of honey. Apply liberally and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
Whether you’re looking to combat acne, hydrate dry skin, reduce blemishes, or promote collagen production, there’s a mask for you. Our functional medicine Toluca Lake team recommends incorporating these masks into your skincare routine for healthy, glowing skin. Experiment with different ingredients and find the masks that work best for your skin type.
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