There are certain signs your body might be giving you to tell you that you have a thyroid problem. For the most part, the symptoms of having an underactive or overactive thyroid are different. If you have an overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism, you should see a doctor if you are getting any of the following symptoms.
Sudden or Severe Weight Loss
One of the first things you might notice a change in your body when you have hyperthyroidism is weight loss. If you were struggling to lose weight, this might seem like a good thing in the beginning. However, before too long, you realize that it is sudden and no matter what you do, you can’t seem to stop the weight loss. This is not a healthy way to lose weight, so you should see your doctor as soon as you can. You can get treatment for your overactive thyroid and get a better handle on your weight.
Heart Rate Inconsistencies
Problems with your cardiovascular health are among the more serious side effects of hyperthyroidism. If you are experiencing a lot of heart palpitations, where it feels like your heart is beating hard and fast in your chest, it could be a warning sign that you have developed hyperthyroidism. Other heart-related signs include having a fast heartbeat of over 100 beats per minute, which is called tachycardia. You may also develop an arrhythmia, which is when you have an irregular heartbeat.
Menstrual Problems or Infertility
While it may seem normal that you have menstrual problems, it can actually be a warning sign of a thyroid condition, such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. With menstrual problems, typically means your period is longer or shorter, lighter or heavier than it used to be, your cycles are irregular, or you have had problems conceiving a child naturally. If any of this is true, see your doctor and get bloodwork to determine if you have a thyroid condition.
Mental Health Changes
You should also be careful with your mental health since sudden changes in your mental health or behavior can mean you have developed hyperthyroidism. For example, you may find that you are suddenly very irritable and moody, and for no logical reason. This can be really frustrating and hard to ignore, even when you know it is irrational. You may also become nervous, anxious, or even develop depression from your thyroid condition.
Digestive Problems
Digestive problems are common among thyroid conditions, especially when you have an overactive thyroid. You might experience bowel changes, such as more frequent or fewer bowel movements, or stomach upset in general.