
Yoga Asanas For Weight Loss

Weight loss and yoga may not seem like they go hand in hand. This is due to the fact that many people see yoga as a way to release stress or to work on muscle tone for an already in shape body. Though these are some of the ways yoga is used, yoga...

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Foods For Insomnia

Having trouble sleeping is one of the most frustrating things to deal with, whether you can’t fall asleep or you have difficulty staying asleep. Lack of sleep is not only frustrating because it causes a lot of fatigue and restlessness during the...

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What is Dry Skin Brushing?

If you are having issues with dry skin, flaking, painful skin from dryness, or rough areas then dry skin brushing may actually be for you. You may have heard of this technique, or seen the brushes for sale in health food stores, but not have...

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Signs That Your Loved Ones are Struggling with Depression

When someone has depression, they often look “normal” on the outside, and are dealing with a million different conflicting thoughts in their own mind. Depression is lonely, it is painful, and it is often devastating to people who suffer from it....

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Why Sunday Should Be a Day of Rest

Most people who work during the week often try to fill their weekends with the rest of their responsibilities. You try to get extra workouts in, plan family time and weekend trips, do home improvement, take care of cleaning and chores, and many...

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Dealing with Stress and Overwhelm

Have you been feeling a lot of stress lately? If so, it has probably led to a good deal of overwhelm as well. These two things can often go hand-in-hand, often starting with a lot of stress that goes untreated and then leading to a considerable...

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