
Foods That Can Boost Your Metabolism Naturally

When your metabolism isn’t working at its most efficient level, you’re very likely to feel sluggish, and tired even right after you’ve just woken up. This leads to a terrible cycle of restlessness and difficulty sleeping, loss of energy, and...

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Intro to the Keto Diet

Functional Medicine Los Angeles endorses the Keto diet as one of the newest diets that are related to eating a high-fat and high-protein diet, with restricted carbohydrate intake. However, it is not just another fad diet, but one that is based on...

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What is Metabolism and How Does it Affect Your Weight?

When you’re trying your best to get into better shape, it can be very frustrating to keep returning to the scale only to see how little progress you’ve made. When you’ve tried every new diet, and bought every book, things can seem impossible,...

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How to Be More Zen

Do you feel like you are the kind of person who is good at keeping a level head? Some people have a really hard time keeping calm in emotional situations. In fact, Functional Medicine Doctors say there are a lot of people who are sensitive enough to...

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Health Benefits of Giving Up Meat

For a lot of people, meat is a major player when it comes to the central ingredients of meals. Meals like these are usually accompanied by some kind of starch like potato and vegetables because of the way the food pyramid was created, but what if...

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The Role Fiber Plays in Your Hunger Scale

There are quite a few foods that can help you lose weight, whether they burn more fat or help you feel fuller longer. Functional Medicine Los Angeles recommends reducing your hunger and appetite to a reasonable amount containing fiber. This is...

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