Once you begin your Functional Medicine Burbank journey into meditation, you'll soon discover the power that it has to reveal truth and peace in your life. In a fast-paced world where everything keeps getting faster and more complicated, it's...
Read More ›Adding more nuts to your daily diet is good for your heart and your budget. Nuts contain unsaturated fat, protein, and other important nutrients, which are important for your mental and physical well-being. Nuts are relatively inexpensive and...
Read More ›If you sometimes wake up soaked in perspiration even when the temperature is cool, you’re not alone. According to some estimates, more than 40% of patients have told their primary care physicians that they experience night sweats. Of...
Read More ›Have you ever felt so pent up and anxious that you couldn’t get simple tasks accomplished? One reason for this dilemma is that whenever you’re worried or nervous, you use up precious stores of emotional energy. When this happens, you...
Read More ›You walk out of the gym, congratulating yourself for finishing a tough workout, but the next day, the real struggle starts. Your shoulders stiffen, and your lower back aches. These symptoms are known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)....
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